Nikon Small World 2014
Rat embryo fluorescently labeled with Rhodamine Epi-fluorescence, 10X. Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, USA. (Photo by Evan Darling/Nikon Small World 2014)
Chrysochroa buqueti (jewel beetle) carapace, near eye Diffused, Reflected Illumination, 450X. Issaquah, Washington, USA. (Photo by Charles Krebs/Nikon Small World 2014)
Jumping Spider Eyes; Reflected Light, 20X. Greenwich, Connecticut, USA. (Photo by Noah Fram-Schwartz/Nikon Small World 2014)
Mite in a small forest; Image Stacking, 10X. Biology Department, University of Puerto Rico, Maya guez Campus; Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. (Photo by José R. Almodóvar/Nikon Small World 2014)
Larval stage of the acorn worm Balanoglossus misaki ensis, dorsal view, showing cell borders, muscles and apical eye spots; Confocal, 10X. University of Vienna, Austria. (Photo by Dr. Sabrina Kaul/Nikon Small World 2014)
Live zebrafish embryo at 22 hours post-fertilization; SiMView Light-Sheet Microscopy, 0X. Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Ashburn, Virginia, USA. (Photo by Dr. Philipp Keller/Nikon Small World 2014)
Conochilus unicornis (rotifer), actively feeding. This rotifer species forms a free floating spherical colony; Differential Interference Contrast. Issaquah, Washington, USA. (Photo by Charles Krebs/Nikon Small World 2014)
Tigriopus californicus (copepod), couple, lateral v iew; Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, 10X. Senckenberg am Meer, German Centre for Marine Biodi versity Research (DZMB), Wilhelmshaven, Germany. (Photo by Dr. Terue Kihara/Nikon Small World 2014)
Lynceus brachyurus (clam shrimp), whole mount larva; Confocal, 250X. Department of Integrative Zoology, University of Vienna, Austria. (Photo by Dr. Martin Fritsch/Nikon Small World 2014)
Ceriodaphnia sp. (water flea); Darkfield, 20X. Panama. (Photo by Rogelio Moreno/Nikon Small World 2014)
Rotifer showing the mouth interior and heart shaped corona; Differential Interference Contrast, 40X. Panama. (Photo by Rogelio Moreno/Nikon Small World 2014)
Montana Dryhead agate, unpolished. Axial lighting was provided by Leeds fiberoptic ill, 50X. University Relations and Communications, University of Wisconsin, USA. (Photo by Douglas Moore/Nikon Small World 2014)
Pleurotaenium ovatum (micro algae); Polarized Light, Lambda Plate, 40X. Panama. (Photo by Rogelio Moreno/Nikon Small World 2014)
Air pearl in the middle of larva Stratiomyidae resp iratory fringe (Diptera aquatic larva); Stereomicroscopy, 30X. DREAL de Basse-Normandie, Caen, France. (Photo by Fabrice Parais/Nikon Small World 2014)
Young Starfish; Confocal, 5X. Confocal Microscopy Lab, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, USA. (Photo by Steven Wilbert/Nikon Small World 2014)
Hydra and Volvox; Confocal, 10X. Confocal Microscopy Lab, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, USA. (Photo by Steven Wilbert/Nikon Small World 2014)
Shipworm Lyrodus pedicellatus, a wood-boring mussel (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Teredinidae). Larval musculature. Confocal laserscanning microscope, 20X. Department of Integrative Zoology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria. (Photo by Andrea Wurzinger-Mayer/Nikon Small World 2014)
Anagallis arvensis (scarlet pimpernel); Macroscopy, 80X. MycoKey, Ebeltoft, Denmark. (Photo by Jens H. Petersen/Nikon Small World 2014)
Eupholus sp. (beetle) It’s a Coleoptera Curculionidae; Reflected, Diffused Light, 4X. Zoology, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, Italy. (Photo by Dr. Luca Toledano/Nikon Small World 2014)
Ant Eye; Reflected Light, 20X. Greenwich, Connecticut, USA. (Photo by Noah Fram-Schwartz/Nikon Small World 2014)
Three transgenic kidneys cultured together, showing colliding branching collecting duct systems; Confocal, 20X. Developmental Biology, The Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. (Photo by Dr. Nils Lindstrom/Nikon Small World 2014)
Myrmecolax sp. head, ventral view; Focus Stacking, Reflected Light, 10X. National Museum of Nature and Science, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. (Photo by Dr. Yuta Nakase/Nikon Small World 2014)
Underside of the Brown dog tick and Lonestar tick mouthparts; Confocal, 100X. Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Ashburn, Virginia, USA. (Photo by Dr. Igor Robert Siwanowicz/Nikon Small World 2014)
Chrysopa perla (green lacewing) eggs; Stereomicroscope, Focus Stack, 3X. Keszthely, Zala, Hungary. (Photo by Dr. Csaba Pintér/Nikon Small World 2014)
Leptothorax acervorum (ant) carrying its larva; Reflected Light, Focus Stacking, 5X. Asker, Norway. (Photo by Geir Drange/Nikon Small World 2014)
Appendages of a common brine shrimp; Confocal, 100X. Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Ashburn, Virginia, USA. (Photo by Dr. Igor Robert Siwanowicz/Nikon Small World 2014)
Living pancreatic islets; 2-Photon Microscopy, 63X. Edinburgh Super-Resolution Imaging Consortium, Heri ot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland. (Photo by Dr. Rory Duncan/Nikon Small World 2014)
Bed bug (Cimex lectularius); Rheinberg illumination (Dark field with interference filter), 50X. Cremona, Italy. (Photo by Stefano Barone/Nikon Small World 2014)
Ant nymph; Image Stacking, Stitching, 10X. Education Nationale Auxonne, Burgundy, France. (Photo by Frederic Labaune/Nikon Small World 2014)
Magnesium chloride and potassium alum mixture; Polarized Light, 25X. National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. (Photo by Chao Zhang/Nikon Small World 2014)
Flower embryo; Fiber Optic Illumination, Reflected Light, 40X. Monsun Yahud, Israel. (Photo by Samuel Silberman/Nikon Small World 2014)
A crawling bone cancer (osteosarcoma) cell showing actin filament bundles in the lamella; Structured Illumination Microscopy, 8000X. Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. (Photo by Dr. Dylan T. Burnette/Nikon Small World 2014)
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